Saturday, 7 January 2012

New project - A Song A Week For 2012

Dear The Internet,

Since I was rather slack last year in the musical output department I've decided to start as I mean to go on this year with a project that will hopefully produce one new piece of music every week throught 2012, at least until the world ends or I run out of ideas or just give up or die unexpectedly. I have chosen the fairly boring name of 'Project 52'(for now at least). I haven't imposed any specific rules on myself, other than to release one piece of previously unreleased music every week on my Bandcamp page. It could be an instrumental piece, a complete new song, a finished old song, some soundtrack bits and pieces or whatever beeps and obscure sounds I can combine together to call 'music'. I might record it live, I might make it on my iphone, I might collaborate with other human beings or just work on my computer, but I will endeavor to release one new piece of music every week in some form. In many ways I hope the finished project might appear as a sort of audio journal of my year, who knows.

The first instrumental is unimaginatively titled 'New Years Day'. It wasn't written on new years day, I was in bed hungover until about 5pm and then I was not in bed, but still hungover. It's a fairly simple instrumental made in Logic Audio with some Kontakt 2 piano libraries and a Garritan Organ from Personal Orchestra. I kind of got sucked into the chord progression and just started messing about with a simple arrangement. It's nothing epic, but it's a start and my programming in Logic is a bit rusty at the moment.

I hope someone somewhere enjoys some of this music (even if it's just me). Click THIS LINK to get transported to the Project 52 page

Over and out!

Lt Meat

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