Sunday, 5 June 2011

Sunday, boring Sunday.

Sundays are really boring.

Unless there's dry weather and a GNARLY session goes down on my skateboard, in some far away land where people are nice and beer is cheap, which just doesn't happen anymore as my body has lost the GNAR power, people in the UK are generally disgusting and beer is moderately priced (but not cheap).

Today is Sunday, I have been mostly rendering videos as it's raining outside and I've got a hard drive full of raw video footage that needs a home. Sounds like fun? No, it isn't. Rendering is the process of creating a single, finished movie file by exporting a, broadly speaking, completed edit from your editing software time-line, after you are happy that the editing process has allowed the piece to take coherent shape and is now ready to be thrust upon the savage and critical world of the internet.

Rendering is probably one of the most important parts of the internet video editing process. It's when you find out if you video is shit or not. It also takes hours to complete, and if the video does turn out to be pants of the soiled variety, or you've spelt the title wrong, or the sound has inexplicably drifted out of sync with the pictures, then you're back to square one and you have to render again. I've buggered the video I'm currently working on four times today, uploaded it to the internet and had to pull it to get yet another mistake corrected. I am literally watching my life ebb away via the means of the render bar. I'm glad I don't edit videos for a living...........................actually I wish I did, I work for the Council and they don't pay me much and those Tories in Whitehall are after my job.

Here's the last video I managed to render without any major problems cropping up, it also has a bespoke Lt Meat soundtrack, enjoy it!!!!! It's free, I don't get paid for this shit............................yet

Over and out.

Lt Meat.

PS. I've also been listening to a lot of The New Pornographers lately, here's a good 'un from 2002.

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