This was due to take place today!!!!
Unfortunately the day has to be postponed as some of the works to the skatepark haven't yet been formerly signed off, which sucks. Although on a selfish note I'm currently skint, with no fuel in my car, so getting there and back was going to be difficult............and sober. Still, I'm now even more hyped for this day when it's rescheduled!!!!!!!!! Once I know when it is I'll forward the details on to all five of you loyal followers!!!
In the meantime check out some teasers from the exist video below. All shot and edited by the very talented John Fisher. John is one of these annoying types of guys that has an effortless natural talent, both as a filmmaker and as a skateboarder, he also has good hair. Don't get me wrong, I imagine John works bloody hard to get his videos (and no doubt the full Exist video) looking and sounding pretty damn professional and I believe he's now working in the film and tv industry, I'm just jealous............and bald.............and crap at skateboarding.................and I have no concept of quality control.
John, I salute you, I salute Rick and I salute all of the Exist team, individually and as a skateboard gang for your awesome videos! Keep up the good work, I can't wait to get to see the full video once the premiere is rescheduled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also salute the Freestyle team, for no specific reason.
See what I mean? Raw talent..........................and he has good hair.
Over and out.
Lt Meat
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