Saturday, 17 September 2011

Blogs of The Day - The Devil Has The Best Tuna and Song By Toad

Hi folks,

I have two great new music blogs for you today (I mean blogs about new music not new blogs about music, just to be clear). The first is The Devil Has The Best Tuna featuring this week in 'The Devils Round Up - September 11th' a nice little complimentary mention of the Girl Muscle's track 'Talk Like An American'. Receiving a compliment off of the Devil himself is a good way to start a Saturday morning! There's loads of previews and reviews of new music on here and in my eye's the Devil really has a good taste! In his words.....

"The Devil is dedicated to unearthing unknown, unheard, unseen, unheralded, unfamiliar or down right unbelievable bands old or new that have not yet hit the radars of the British public"

....and I'd like to thank the Devil for spending his time doing it. I suggest just diving into the Devil's blog and checking out what's being featured. There's regular posts all the time, some with specific musical themes or little features on new bands/new material. I've found loads of new Sound Cloud artists to follow and had a fair whack of new listeners myself since being featured on the blog.

The second blog to check out is Song By Toad. Again it's a new music blog with daily (if not more frequent) posts featuring new bands, new music, featured videos and (I think a very useful part of the blog) features on music industry discussions, aimed I think at helping out independent musicians and small labels. The main author of the blog Matthew writes quite a lot more than the Devil on each subject, especially the music industry features which tend to be very useful, such as this discussion on 'filter bubbles'.

It's great to have someone not just trawling the internet for new music to expose, but also keeping an eye out for music industry information and discussions that new musicians, bands or small labels would normally know very little about. The sad thing about trying to make a living off music in whatever format is that at some point you have to enter into the wider 'music industry'. Whether it's as a solo DIY musician or as an accomplished band receiving offers from big labels to sign up and get their music widely released, it will no doubt help to be armed with some knowledge of the industry. Especially about how music can be digitally distributed and marketed as we are now squarely sat in the digital age of everything.

I'm slowly getting addicted to new music blogs. I'm both excited by them, as I'm finding new music all the time, and slightly saddened by them having to exist (remember when you would meet up every week, hang out, possibly get drunk and talk about new bands with your mates? "Hey dude, have you heard that band Fingerbastard?" "No, what are they like?" "Fucking awesome! They sound like the Dead Kennedys and Blur put together, I'll tape you their album"). When I was younger I had certain old friends that were basically walking new music blogs, it was nice catching up with them and trading new bands to listen to (or arguing about why the bands they like suck). Sadly I think the internet has locked the new generation of these types of music enthusiasts away from the real world and condemned them to blog to unknown readers over the internet. I hope it's rewarding work, I feel it should be rewarded in some way. Maybe an annual music blog author appreciation party? Maybe not.....

To The Devil Has The Best Tuna and Song By Toad I offer my thanks! I hope that anyone reading his might take a digital hop over and check out these blogs from time to time.

Over and out

Lt Meat

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