Sunday, 11 September 2011

Video of the day! Girl Muscle - 'Your Boyfriend'

Доброе утро, comrades!

OK so this is a video I've made for my old band, out of old copyright free public information movies. It's a essentially a no budget music video I cut together for my band Girl Muscle. It was half made out of boredom and half out of being frustrated at having no budget to make music videos with.

All of the footage used was downloaded from (which is a great website that I keep returning to when I've not got much else to do other than watch loads of old movies and public information films). All of the footage is free to use under creative commons licences, so if you fancy cutting something similar then get over to the website and get downloading.

The quality isn't great, but I'm not one for much quality control if I'm truthful, I'd rather get some of this music out into the wider world than wait until someone pays me to do it (which isn't likely in this day and free downloading age).

The song is available to download at

Thank you for reading this far!

Over and out.

Lt Meat

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